Thursday, July 29, 2010

The end of week two

Still here and I have to say I've really enjoyed what we've been doing and, although still a bit shaky, feel way more confident. I have spent quite a bit of time on Twitter, YouTube and Blogger ... messing around and having fun.


  1. Hi Jane
    Great to hear. I have been messing around a bit too and really enjoying the 'play' side of things - also the sharing of ideas and resources in the group. TIME is the issue for me - hope to find some this weekend to refresh and try out a couple of things eg setting up an iGoogle page, do another reflective post on my blog, try and make my blog more interesting (any ideas?) and set up a discussion with colleagues online - not sure of the format yet. R

  2. Me too. Playing around is fun. i am enjoying changing things up and then trying to remember how I got there to do it.

  3. playing is definitely where it is. The Michael Wesch ethno stuff around Youtube is a wonderful piece of insight into the power of social networking. You'll find it in the Resources on the wiki.

  4. Hi Janie,
    This is one big playroom but then i thought no... more like wonderful deli where you can become enraptured by olive oil, or anchovies or balsamic vinegar, you guessed it I am a foodie and the analogy so works for me. Look forward to seeing you around.
